Principles into Profit

Are you an independent professional or small business owner working in a helping profession? 
Is your business relational, rather than transational? 

If you are passionate about delivering memorable customer experiences that create a loyal customer base who love what you do and want to buy more of your services more often, you're in the right place.

Turn your Principles into Profit by Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences

We live in a competitive world, which is increasingly becoming digital by default.  
Whatever services you offer, the chances are someone else is providing a similar experience, 
or solution just around the corner.  
Good clients are hard to come by and often costly to attract, so once they've chosen you as their preferred supplier, 
be honoured, be grateful and be mindful that they can, and will 
switch allegiance if you fail to meet their expectations.

Let's see what the people who matter say...

 Jacky provides businesses with tried and tested customer focused principles to thrive in today's fast paced market.  If you want to learn how to get a competitive edge, Jacky offers valuable insights that can dramatically transform how you operate.

Bev James
Best Selling Author, Business Mentor and CEO of The Coaching Academy

 In a highly competitive and changing world people expect a more genuine, original and relevant approach to customer service.  Jacky will certainly help any small business owner to identify who they are, why they're in business and what really underpins and drives their business aspirations.

Liggy Webb
Best selling author and Director of The Learning Architect

 Customer experience is the simplest and most cost-effective form of marketing.  Invest in your customers and they will invest in you with their loyalty.  Jacky's approach will help you blow the socks off your customers and beat your competition.  

Richard Beevers
CEO Customer Plus Ltd

Customers are seeking more personalised, authentic and relevant experiences.

Business Coaching

Running a small business can be a lonely, unenviable and invidious occupation. To thrive and stay sane you have to learn to work smarter, not harder.  Business Coaching challenges your current practices, helps you identify your profit producing areas and develop strategies to improve your operation and maximise the return on your investment.

Authentic Customer Experience

Explore 7 tried, tested and proven principles, that when applied will help you create a loyal client base who love what you do, can't wait to tell their friends and family and are happy to steer new clients to you, rather than the competition.

Professional Presentations

Ever been on the receiving end of a bland, wordy, unprofessional presentation?
How did it effect your perception of the presenter?
It can be a challenge to create a slide deck that is clear, professional and on brand and feel confident to present it, so I've developed a selection of services that can help improve your delivery methods and presentation materials.