About Jacky Leonard

Hi, I'm Jac.
I work as a freelance learning and development consultant and business coach. Before giving up a proper job (my brother's term, not mine), I played integral business development roles, creating new programmes, communication strategies and quality management systems. Often acting as a trouble shooter for under performing businesses, I have a reputation for having a personable, supportive, yet challenging approach, getting to the heart of the issue. I'm passionate about creating cost effective, practical, sustainable solutions that help my clients deliver exceptional customer experiences profitably.  

My book Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences seeks to help SME's address 7 fundamental principles that are key to continual improvement and business growth.

About Principles into Profit

If you truly believe customer service is an attitude not a department, you're in the right place. In fact, research by the Institute of Customer Service (ICS) suggests that the highest performing organisations are most likely to see customer service as integral to their business performance and to proactively seek ways of measuring its top and bottom line impact.
Principles into Profit is part of the subtitle of my book, Delivering Authentic Customer Experiences. The book and this website focus on helping you deliver more personalised, authentic and relevant experiences and create a loyal customer base that buy more of your services, more often.

Put my 7 principles into practice and you'll develop sustainable and productive relationships with your customers that will transform them into massive fans who love what you do for them, are happy to refer you to their friends, family and colleagues and keep coming back for more.

Where has this book been?  Jacky has succinctly covered everything that, as a small business owner I needed at the start of my journey!  She captures the essence of what to do in your business when customers are at the heart of what you do all day, every day.  This is a truly fabulous read and the 7 principles will become part of my teams' training, business ethos and personal mantra.

Abi Howell
Managing Director - Truly Tailored Recruitment

Click the button to book a complimentary initial consultation and discover
how you can develop experiences that will create a loyal customer base
who want to buy more of your services, more often.

Authentic Customer Experiences

Here's what it means in a customer facing environment...

  • Knowing who you are, why you're in business and what drives you to achieve your business aspirations
  • Understanding and living your values 
  • Having a customer centred approach and wanting to make a difference 
  • Treating every customer like a person, not a number 
  • Being passionate about what you do and walking your talk 
  • Striving for continual progress not perfection 
  • Being interested, rather than interesting 
  • Consistently anticipating and responding to customer needs profitably 
  • Creating memorable experiences that stay with people for a lifetime 
  • Doing the right thing as well as doing things right 
  • Doing well by doing good