Would you like to...

find out more about what makes you tick?

learn how to interact, communicate and respond effectively to anyone in practically any situation?

understand what motivates you and your team so you can improve your business performance, productivity and profit?

DiSC is a universal language and can apply to anyone, anywhere

DISC can reveal the following factors about yourself and those around you:
• Core personality traits
• Personal motivation
• Preferred environment
• Method of communication
• Likely responses
• Goal setting and achievement methodology  

Helping you understand how to interact, communicate and respond to people with different personality traits in practically any situation or circumstance.

Find out how DiSC can help you and your business

To discover how your DISC Catalyst profile could help enhance your self awareness, develop a positive team dynamic and improve your business performance, productivity and profit click below to book a call back from a DISC coach


Dr William M. Marston, an expert in behavioural understanding, first identified the concept of the modern DiSC behavioural system. The DiSC model is based on the idea of two fundamental dimensions of human nature represented by two axes:

1.active and outspoken to thoughtful and reflective

2.accepting and warm to questioning and sceptical

From this, the 4 basic styles were formed.

The game changer!

DISC measures preferences and tendencies.  
The language of DISC is a tool for encouraging dialogue and engaging every individual in building more effective relationships at work.  

During the pandemic, the publisher of this tool, Wiley Everything DiSC® developed a new on-line learning platform (Catalyst).  It enhances the way you can work with DISC to improve communication, teamwork and productivity within your business.

This learning platform offers a comprehensive profiling reports, a host of resources to explore and better understand yourself and each of the styles; and a section which enables specific person to person comparisons with each member of your team.    

Improve the way your team works